Monday, February 22, 2010

Day 4 : "Stone"

The night was kind. I had lived another day.

Tossing in my sleep the night before, I realized the next step up from wooden tools would have to be stone, until I found another mineral deposit like before. Before, I had been lucky. Water was my only nemesis then, and it would run out. What if the ceiling over top had collapsed? Clearly I should not fathom such things.

If I was going to mine, I needed to find a better place. Down the hill next to my house, I saw a small alcove. Perhaps I would start there, for now. The walls were thick there, and I could only hope their structure overhead, while still soft, would prevent any cave-ins.

I snatched up my torches, in hopes of ease through light. Placing one outside my house would be the best bet to keep monsters away, should they come out during my vacancy. Perhaps it was light they feared, and not merely the sun. Even so, I need be more cautious than ever, if I am to venture into the darkness.

Carving away at the soft stone was painful labor, that which I was not used to from my past life before here. Clearly luck was on my side if all else was lacking, as I was still alive and healthy, despite injures of the past.

In a deep, natural carving of the cave, I had found a pool of clean, clear water. Perhaps it was just thirst of hard work, but it tasted much sweeter than the water from the shore had. I scooped some into a pair of bowls, clamping it shut with some string.

Time had flowed quickly, as with the day before, however all was not for naught. I brought with me stones from the mine, and headed back to my shack, and got to work. Carving was delicate and difficult work, but I had fashioned new tools out of stone; hopefully these would do better to defend myself than mere wood.

I stored my old friends in the chest beside my bed, and drifted off to sleep from a hard days work. Tomorrow would be different. I now had the advantage over the beasts of this land -- just as my tools were stronger, so was I.

And yet the biggest enemy of the day was the attempts to sleep, with anticipation of the following morning. And the deafening buzz of insects in the distance.

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